Monday, January 12, 2009


After vacationing for a couple of weeks, Nate and I returned to an interesting work situation. We both work for a fruit marketing company. Nate is the Director of Food Safety and I am in sales/accounting. The downturn of the economy has lead to cost cutting measures and consolidations. The owners decided to close the Olympia office and do all of their sales through their Michigan office. That means that as of Jan. 31, Nate and I are on the job hunt!

We are very sad to leave Olympia and all the awesome friends we have made here. We were very fortunate to have met some great people our first few weeks here. We will really miss everyone and wish we could stay in this area. However, the blueberry industry is not thriving in Olympia so we will most likely be looking elsewhere.

What this means for us is that on Jan. 31 we are moving out of our apartment in Olympia and storing our earthly belongings in Mt. Vernon. We then will...drum roll please...spend 3 weeks traveling in Europe!!! Nate and I figured this would be a great opportunity to travel. So we used Nate's airline miles and booked 2 flights to Amsterdam. Our itinerary is still to be determined, but we are having fun researching all different places to see. We leave Feb. 3 and return Feb. 24. More details to follow!

1 comment:

Linking Lines said...

Hey...glad to see your blog up and running again!!!!

Do you still have room in your suitcase for me??? I promise, I do not need to be entertained...I would sleep the WHOLE time. For some reason I'm just really tired.......

Thanks for the halarious email you sent of Kiera!!! I needed a good chuckle!

Love, Sheri (and crew)