Friday, April 09, 2010

Life Update

Busy busy busy...that's about all I can say for the last several months. We have been working like crazy on our house. The bathrooms are our latest project. I am very excited that finally we have one almost finished bathroom downstairs and the upstairs one is coming along. I did laundry the other day without having to put on my shoes and didn't need to do a balancing act to get in there!!! We were able to get away for a weekend in San Francisco/Monterey. We joined 8 other college friends there for a mini-reunion.

Baby Sak is still doing well and everything seems to be moving along nicely. I am 23 weeks along and feeling great. Nate was able to come to my 20-week ultrasound and enjoyed seeing the baby move and stretch. I think it helped make it a little more real for him.

Here are some highlights of our trip: Alcatraz, walking along the pier in San Francisco, the gorgeous down Hwy 101, Monterey Acquarium, Pebble Beach Drive, hiking along the beach, and many games/chats with friends.

As you can see we had BEAUTIFUL weather

Part of the gang on Alcatraz

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